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For the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior and the Reiss Scales for Children's Dual Diagnosis, either one or two raters may be used when assessing a client. Two raters are required when administering the Reiss Profile® of Human Needs ID.

Number of Raters?

1 Rater

2 Raters

Note: For 2 raters, after the first rater is done, the second rater completes the screening.

The following information pertains to the person being scored:

Full (or code) name:





Race (optional):

Copyright Notice and Use of IDS Publishing Corporation ("IDS") Content. The Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior® ("Reiss Screen"), Reiss Scales for Children's Dual Diagnosis® ("Reiss Scales"), and Reiss Profile of Human Needs ID® are protected by copyright as to test content and related materials (e.g., examiner and technical manual), and as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to United States ("US") copyright laws, international conventions, and other foreign national copyright laws. The Reiss Screen, Reiss Scales, and Reiss Profile of Human Needs ID® also are protected by US trade secret laws. Further, IDS product names and logos are protected under US and international trademark laws.

A user may not copy, memorize for sharing, distribute, publicly display, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, or use for public or commercial purposes, any of the contents of the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior®, Reiss Scales for Children's Dual Diagnosis®, or Reiss Profile of Human Needs ID® without the express written permission of IDS, obtained in writing in advance of such use. Permission requests should be sent to: ids@idspublishing.com. A user may not alter or remove this Copyright Notice from any Reiss Screen, Reiss Scales, or Reiss Profile of Human Needs ID® materials.

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